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Sørkapp Land: Grunnvågen & Kikutodden

360° panorama

Sør­kapp Land

Grunn­vå­gen and Kiku­tod­den are loca­ted in Sør­kapp Land clo­se to the sou­thern­most point of the main island Spits­ber­gen. As the name Grunn­vå­gen (“Shal­low bay”) sug­gests, the coas­tal waters are shal­low far out into the sea, and they are poor­ly char­ted. Even smal­ler boats like SV Anti­gua have to keep a distance of a nau­ti­cal mile or so, and it is a long Zodiac ride to the shore. A lar­ge, open bay like Grunn­vå­gen does not pro­vi­de any shel­ter at all, so it not a good idea to attempt a landing here unless the wea­ther con­di­ti­ons are real­ly per­fect.


Tho­se few visi­tors who may nevert­hel­ess get here will find a wide-open coas­tal plain with small creeks and wet­land are­as with green moss patches in an other­wi­se rather bar­ren tun­dra area. Pie­ces of drift­wood and the occa­sio­nal wha­le­bo­ne are lying on the beach.


On the eas­tern end of the bay Grunn­vå­gen, the­re is a small, rocky pen­in­su­la cal­led Kiku­tod­den (“View point”). Kiku­tod­den is com­po­sed of stee­p­ly dip­ping lay­ers of hard sedi­ment. The­se are con­tin­ued under water, forming a lar­ge num­ber of rocky reefs in this area.



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last modification: 2019-05-25 · copyright: Rolf Stange