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Home → September, 2011

Monthly Archives: September 2011 − News & Stories

Tou­rism con­trol during 2011 sea­son

The Sysselmannen’s field inspec­tors have visi­ted 85 ships and boats during the 2011 sum­mer sea­son, main­ly on the west coast, but also in more remo­te regi­ons inclu­ding Hin­lo­pen. Per­mits, ship papers and was­te manage­ment rou­ti­nes are among­st what the field inspec­tors check rou­ti­ne­ly. Addi­tio­nal­ly, pre­sence of aut­ho­ri­ties is shown to all visi­tors, who are encou­ra­ged to com­ply with rele­vant laws and regu­la­ti­ons and to move careful­ly in the Spits­ber­gen envi­ron­ment. Con­trols also include camps and rese­arch acti­vi­ties.

The inspec­tors were in touch with 2403 per­sons and had only two com­plaints: one group had estab­lished their camp in in Gru­mant­by­en (cul­tu­ral heri­ta­ge and accor­din­gly pro­tec­ted). Ano­ther group had cut drai­na­ge tren­ches around their tents and left them at depar­tu­re. The ope­ra­tor was reques­ted to con­duct a clean-up of the site.

Feld­in­spek­to­ren des Sys­sel­man­nen im Mag­da­le­nefjord, Juli 2011.

Tourism control during 2011 season - Magdalenefjord

Source: Sys­sel­man­nen


Seve­ral cases of rabies have been found near Lon­gye­ar­by­en within a week: First, the virus was found in a polar fox that had atta­cked a dog. A few days later, two reinde­er which were appar­ent­ly part­ly para­ly­zed were shot and found to be infec­ted with rabies. As far as known, this is the first time the virus has infec­ted ano­ther spe­ci­es bey­ond polar foxes in Spits­ber­gen. Rabies is a fatal dise­a­se also for humans, and the aut­ho­ri­ties request the public to be accor­din­gly careful:

  • Avo­id all cont­act with living or dead ani­mals,
  • Wash hands careful­ly after acci­den­tal cont­act,
  • Report to the Sys­sel­mann imme­dia­te­ly in case of poten­ti­al infec­tions of ani­mals or humans,
  • Curr­ent­ly, dogs are not allo­wed to be off-leash and wit­hout super­vi­si­on when out­side.

This reinde­er is just res­t­ing. Other ones were recent­ly found to be infec­ted with rabies.


Source: Sys­sel­man­nen


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