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pfeil Calendar 2025: Spitsbergen & Greenland pfeil
Home* Tri­plogs with pho­to gal­le­riesArc­tic 2018Spits­ber­gen SV Anti­gua 12-29 July 2018 → Gal­lery 2: Nord­aus­t­land – Spits­ber­gen 2018

Gallery 2 - Sjuøyane, Nordaustland, Kvitøya July 2018 with SV Antigua

Unu­sual­ly good wea­ther enab­led us to visit remo­te and expo­sed places such as Wal­denøya and Ros­søya, part of Sjuøya­ne and Svalbard’s very nor­t­hern­most island. On Phippsøya, we got a fine polar bear sight­ing rather than a walk. In Duvefjord (Nord­aus­t­land), we found see­mingly vir­gin land, appearing bar­ren, but at the same time so rich in struc­tu­re and detail, in beau­ty!

We also mana­ged on Kvi­tøya, ano­ther rare one and ano­ther high­light of this voya­ge. That’s some­thing you real­ly don’t get every day 🙂

Map 2 – Sjuøya­ne, Nord­aus­t­land, Kvi­tøya

Svalbard map 2: Sjuøyane, Nordaustland, Kvitøya

Gal­lery 2: Sjuøya­ne, Nord­aus­t­land, Kvi­tøya

Click on thumb­nail to open an enlar­ged ver­si­on of the spe­ci­fic pho­to.

To Gal­lery:  → Nor­thwest Spits­ber­gen  → Nord­aus­t­land  → Hin­lo­pen  → Free­man­sund to Sør­kapp  → Horn­sund to Isfjord



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last modification: 2019-03-24 · copyright: Rolf Stange