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Home* Tri­plogs with pho­to gal­le­riesArc­tic 2016 → Spits­ber­gen 2016/09/13-23

Spitsbergen, 13th-23rd September 2016 with SV Antigua

Ten days Spits­ber­gen under sails at a time when the light of the high north is chan­ging every day, every hour, every minu­te. After the gol­den days in Pyra­mi­den short­ly befo­re, it was a bit as if someone had pushed a but­ton to chan­ge the sea­son from sum­mer to autumn. We saw more than 50 shades of grey and the sound of the wind in the ship’s rig­ging was fre­quent­ly heard. But we also got to see and expe­ri­ence many beau­tiful sides of the arc­tic, every day had its moments of sheer beau­ty and we had unfor­gettable wild­life sightin­gs.

Click here for the tri­plog (pdf, Ger­man only).

You will find some of my impres­si­ons in the blog and more exten­si­ve pho­to gal­le­ries on the fol­lo­wing pages:

Pho­to-Album – Spits­ber­gen 2016/09/13-23

  • ant­ark­tis-10-20_03_2008-2

Click on thumb­nail to get the cor­re­spon­ding gal­lery.

Soon the tri­plog will be available here (Ger­man only).

Pho­to gal­lery HiRes

Click on thumb­nail to open an enlar­ged ver­si­on of the spe­ci­fic pho­to.



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last modification: 2016-10-17 · copyright: Rolf Stange