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Home* Tri­plogs with pho­to gal­le­riesArc­tic 2014 → Arc­ti­ca II 2014/08/04-22

Around Spitsbergen on board SY Arctica II, 04-22 August, 2014

»Advanced Spitsbergen«

We spent 18 days sai­ling around Spits­ber­gen with Arc­ti­ca II with 12 peo­p­le on board, inclu­ding skipper/owner Hein­rich Eggen­fell­ner from Lon­gye­ar­by­en, Rolf Stan­ge and 10 guests, all Ger­man spea­king (same for future edi­ti­ons of this trip). As the title “advan­ced Spits­ber­gen” indi­ca­tes, we put our focus on less well known, more exco­tic places and lon­ger hikes, igno­ring, to some degree, well-known sites which are almost a must-see on most trips, such as Kongsfjord/Ny Åle­sund, Lief­defjord, Horn­sund (we made a very brief visit the­re only) … just a few examp­les. This gave us enough time to visit places like Ryke Yse­øya­ne, Lady Fran­k­lin­sund, Bren­ne­vins­fjord and others, which are by far more “exo­tic”. And we did a num­ber of real­ly good hikes, taking off whe­re we most­ly have to stop with, say, the “long hike group” on other ships.

“Advan­ced Spits­ber­gen” was accor­din­gly an inten­se and deman­ding trip for all invol­ved, but it gave us all an incre­di­ble expe­ri­ence. Expec­ted­ly, Arc­ti­ca II tur­ned out to be the ide­al boat for this. Even wit­hout cook and ser­vice team, our life on board was cer­tain­ly not bad at all. And the­re is a not so litt­le dif­fe­rence in hiking befo­re din­ner­ti­me or having din­ner after the hike. Fin­ding out along the way how much time it actual­ly takes gives much more space to explo­re and to get lost (men­tal­ly!) in the land­scape. The hike went until late night? No pro­blem, just have some food at mid­night. Break­fast can also be half an hour later. This requi­res a good bit of fle­xi­bi­li­ty, which we had and we will have it again in 2015.

Have a look at the pho­to gal­le­ries lin­ked up below for some impres­si­ons. Click here for the tri­plog (pdf, 12.9 MB, Ger­man).


  • noor­der­licht-spitz­ber­gen-22-29_09_2009

Click on thumb­nail to get the cor­re­spon­ding gal­lery.

Group pho­tos

Around Spitsbergen on board SY Arctica II, 04-22 August, 2014 - Group photo 1

Group pho­to 1 (Down­load the lar­ge ver­si­on)

Around Spitsbergen on board SY Arctica II, 04-22 August, 2014 - Group photo 2

Group pho­to 2 (Down­load the lar­ge ver­si­on)


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Around Spits­ber­gen on board SY Arc­ti­ca II, 04th – 22nd August, 2014 1/2

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last modification: 2019-10-31 · copyright: Rolf Stange