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pfeil Calendar 2025: Spitsbergen & Greenland pfeil

Arc­tic 2018

Tri­plogs and pho­tos – Arc­tic 2018: on this page you will find tri­plogs and many pho­tos from all my tra­vels during the arc­tic sea­son 2018. We start in Nor­way, tou­ch­ing Lofo­ten and con­ti­nue towards Bear Island. Then, we spend most of a long, arc­tic sum­mer up in the far north in Spits­ber­gen (or Sval­bard, wha­te­ver you pre­fer), whe­re we set sail seve­ral times with the beau­tiful three-mast bar­ken­ti­ne SV Anti­gua (“Spits­ber­gen under sail”) and the smal­ler, adven­tur­ous SY Arc­ti­ca II (“advan­ced Spits­ber­gen”).

Next to exci­ting excur­si­ons and hikes, we will also explo­re unknown ter­ri­to­ry when­ever the oppor­tu­ni­ty comes up, and we will of cour­se also meet the won­derful wild­life regu­lar­ly. Join us on the­se arc­tic tra­vels, free of any cos­ts and wit­hout any risk of get­ting cold, wet or sea­sick 🙂 just fol­low this web­site as the tri­plogs and pho­tos will appear as the arc­tic sum­mer sea­son 2018 is advan­cing, and of cour­se the blog will be updated regu­lar­ly as well!

Arc­tic under sail (and some hiking) 2018

Arctic 2018 - inside Bear island



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last modification: 2019-09-16 · copyright: Rolf Stange