Fairweather days in amazing surroundings in northwestern Spitsbergen.
After a bit of a foggy departure the weather got so good that it was almost scary – after all, you would think that the price tag comes in the end … but it didn’t. The weather remained largely fine until the very end of the trip. A few scattered raindrops and some clouds here and there just added to the variety.
Days without any wind or waves made it possible to make some amazing landings, such as Fuglehuken on the northern tip of Prins Karls Forlandet on the evening on the second day (first full day, that is). Such rare landings in beautiful places are the icing on the cake, if you ask me.
Early morning polar bear sighting on Indre Norskøya.
Which does certainly not mean that all the other landings were not great. All of them provided beautiful impressions and an interesting experience. And there is, of course, the wildlife. We had several polar bear sightings in northwestern Spitsbergen. Beautiful observations, by no means involving any risk, disturbance or other harm to man or beast.
Photo gallery 1: From Longyearbyen to the north
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