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pfeil Calendar 2025: Spitsbergen & Greenland pfeil



André­e­tan­gen, Edgeøya – trap­pers’ hut. Vir­tu­al pan­o­r­amic tour

Edgeøya: André­e­tan­gen

Sou­the­as­tern Edgeøya is an area on its own regar­ding sce­n­ery, wild­life and histo­ry. The wide open pla­teaux-shaped moun­ta­ins can make a dark impres­si­on on the visi­tor, espe­ci­al­ly on a rather grey day like this. Coas­tal low­land like here on André­e­tan­gen (named after a Ger­man geo­grapher, not the Swe­dish explo­rer) has wide, rich tun­dra are­as. The­re is a lar­ge herd of wal­rus­ses near the shore not far from this trap­pers’ hut.

Hut at André­e­tan­gen (Ent­rance)

Befo­re the Second World War, trap­pers had been using the small near­by islands of Delit­schøya and Zieg­lerøya for deca­des or even cen­tu­ries.

This old hut has alre­a­dy seen bet­ter days. At the time of pho­to­gra­phy, in August 2014, the roof in the ent­rance area was sever­ely dama­ged.

Hut at André­e­tan­gen (Main room)

The hut at André­e­tan­gen was built in 1946 by Hen­ry Rudi, the famous „Isbjørn­kon­gen“ (polar bear king). Rudi was not the youn­gest any­mo­re at that time, but he still had seve­ral win­terings ahead of him befo­re he final­ly reti­red.

Hut at André­e­tan­gen (Slee­ping area)

The slee­ping area is in the back part of the main room. This part was lar­ger at times, an extra room had been added to it later, but it was remo­ved again. After Rudi, well-known peo­p­le fol­lo­wed with win­terings at André­e­tan­gen like Thor Lar­sen, the ear­ly pio­neer of polar bear rese­arch, and Per John­son, the last hun­ter on Edgeøya. Lar­sen added a labo­ra­to­ry buil­ding, which was later remo­ved. He cal­led the place „Per­ma­frost City“.


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last modification: 2019-05-18 · copyright: Rolf Stange