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Gallery 5: Hall Bredning to Iceland

Greenland 2019 with SV Anne-Margaretha

Hall Bred­ning to Ice­land: Again, the open sea threa­ten­ed to give us a hard time by means of hea­vy wea­ther, so we made sure we got to Ice­land ear­ly enough to avo­id get­ting our butts kicked by King Nep­tu­ne. But befo­re we got out, we could still enjoy a day of won­derful wea­ther, sun­ny and calm, among­st the ice­bergs drif­ting in Hall Bred­ning, as well as a love­ly fare­well auro­ra.

We got to Ice­land after 2 days at sea wit­hout major trou­bles. The first har­bour was Dal­vik, and it was a plea­su­re to get the ship into a safe har­bour (calm night! No anchor watch!) and to stretch legs again a bit next day. And then the last cou­ple of miles to Akurey­ri, with some wha­les and a geo­ther­mal water­fall.

Gal­lery 5: Hall Bred­ning to Ice­land

Click on thumb­nail to open an enlar­ged ver­si­on of the spe­ci­fic pho­to.

To gal­lery:  → From Ice­land to Green­land  → Kap Brews­ter to Dan­mark Ø  → Rødefjord and Harefjord  → Øfjord and Bjør­neøer  → From Hall Bred­ning to Ice­land



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last modification: 2019-09-18 · copyright: Rolf Stange