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Home* Tri­plogs with pho­to gal­le­riesArc­tic 2013 → Agardhbuk­ta, Ingle­fieldbreen

Again to the East Coast: Agardhbukta and Inglefieldbreen

April 2013


Ful­mard­a­len is one of many ung­la­cia­ted val­leys in Nor­dens­ki­öld Land, cen­tral Spits­ber­gen. It is part of the clas­si­cal „Con­way-rou­te“ from Lon­gye­ar­by­en to the east coast. During the win­ter, the trip takes only a few hours by snow mobi­le. In sum­mer, it takes expe­ri­en­ced hikers 4 days to cover the distances and the chal­lenges of the pathl­ess ter­rain (click here for some impres­si­ons for an east coast hike in July 2007).


The gla­cier Elfen­bein­breen was crossed for the first time by Mar­tin Con­way as part of his rou­te to the east coast in 1896. Not much is left of what Con­way gave the proud name „Ivo­ry gate“: lar­ge are­as whe­re Con­way hik­ed over snow and ice have now tur­ned into immense morai­ne land­scapes. The­se two pan­ora­mas illus­tra­te the morai­ne on the west side. 1/2

The gla­cier Elfen­bein­breen was crossed for the first time by Mar­tin Con­way as part of his rou­te to the east coast in 1896. Not much is left of what Con­way gave the proud name „Ivo­ry gate“: lar­ge are­as whe­re Con­way hik­ed over snow and ice have now tur­ned into immense morai­ne land­scapes. The­se two pan­ora­mas illus­tra­te the morai­ne on the west side. 2/2

The lower part of Elfen­bein­breen is by now cut off from the main gla­cier by a lar­ge melt­wa­ter river and accor­din­gly dead: wit­hout con­nec­tion to the gla­cier that deli­vers the ice, it will slow­ly melt and turn into a mud­dy morai­ne land­scape. 1/2

The lower part of Elfen­bein­breen is by now cut off from the main gla­cier by a lar­ge melt­wa­ter river and accor­din­gly dead: wit­hout con­nec­tion to the gla­cier that deli­vers the ice, it will slow­ly melt and turn into a mud­dy morai­ne land­scape. 2/2

Die morai­ne land­scape on the east side of Elfen­bein­breen is huge. From its hills you have gre­at views into Agardhda­len and towards the east coast. In clear wea­ther, you can even see Edgeøya in the distance.


The­re are 2 rather modern huts on the north side of Agardhbuk­ta. One belongs to the Sys­sel­man­nen, the other one to a club in Lon­gye­ar­by­en. They may be used by club mem­bers who live in Lon­gye­ar­by­en.

Kapp Duf­fe­rin

Kapp Duf­fe­rin is a coas­tal land­scape of basalt with lagoons and litt­le hills bet­ween Agardhbuk­ta and Ingle­fieldbuk­ta on the east coast of Spits­ber­gen. It is namend after Lord Duf­fe­rin, a lea­ding Bri­tish diplo­ma­te and „gen­tle­man explo­rer“ of the 19th cen­tu­ry.


Ingle­fieldbreen (-gla­cier) has retrea­ted stron­gly, but is nevert­hel­ess still beau­tiful and impres­si­ve.



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last modification: 2013-12-27 · copyright: Rolf Stange