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Home* Tri­plogs with pho­to gal­le­ries* Arc­tic 2019 → Nor­way with SV Anti­gua, 2019/10/27-11/03

North Norway with SV Antigua: Tromsø-Lofoten-Bodø

27 October-03 November, 2019

North Nor­way in late Octo­ber and ear­ly Novem­ber – that should be a voya­ge into the light, into dark­ness and into the win­ter. We got all of that: beau­tiful nor­t­hern lights – the first evening was gre­at! – sun­ri­ses, sun­sets, some more or less bright hours in-bet­ween and a lot of dark­ness around tho­se, on the edge of the polar night. And ple­nty of snow and win­ter atmo­sphe­re.

It didn’t real­ly work well with the Orcas, the­re was just too much wind that day in that area to look for or to even find wha­les. And, yes, on a more pero­nal account, I could have done wit­hout a bad cold … but hey, that’s life, and other than that I think we had a gre­at time, didn’t we? Thank you to all of you who have been the­re, con­tri­bu­ting to good spi­rits even when it was a bit more grey out­side than we would pos­si­bly have lik­ed. But then, the good moments came again, well deser­ved 🙂

I want to thank Sarah Gerats who kind­ly gave her per­mis­si­on to use some of her pho­tos in the pho­to gal­le­ries on the­se pages. The­se are most­ly from the tours whe­re we went on walks and hikes in dif­fe­rent direc­tions. Sarah’s pho­tos are mark­ed with her name in the image.


Here is the tri­plog (Dutch-Ger­man-Eng­lisch text) as pdf for down­load. The­re are two ver­si­ons. The con­text is exact­ly iden­ti­cal, just the file size and qua­li­ty is dif­fe­rent.

Gal­lery – Nor­t­hern lights, high reso­lu­ti­on

Here are some pho­tos of the nor­t­hern lights during our voya­ge in hig­her reso­lu­ti­on (click on the thumb­nails for the big­ger files which you can save local­ly. Plea­se feel free to use them for pri­va­te pur­po­ses; for any public use, plea­se get in touch with me first. For some infor­ma­ti­on about nor­t­hern lights and how to pho­to­graph them, plea­se have a look at my nor­t­hern lights info page.

Click on thumb­nail to open an enlar­ged ver­si­on of the spe­ci­fic pho­to.

Pho­to gal­lery – Trom­sø-Skjer­vøy-Ves­terå­len-Ofo­ten-Lofo­ten

  • Tag 1 - Lon­gye­ar­by­en

Click on thumb­nail to get the cor­re­spon­ding gal­lery.



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last modification: 2019-11-13 · copyright: Rolf Stange