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pfeil Calendar 2025: Spitsbergen & Greenland pfeil

Gallery 3: Rødefjord and Harefjord

Greenland 2019 with SV Anne-Margaretha

Rødefjord and Harefjord: After an ancho­ra­ge in Fønfjord that was not exact­ly gre­at, someone pres­sed a but­ton next ear­ly mor­ning and the light went on. Gol­den sun­light fell under some clouds of mor­ning mist through Fønfjord, brin­ging ama­zing light to the red and yel­low colours of the tun­dra in Rødefjord. Just ama­zing, and what a start into the day, even befo­re break­fast! Later things just got bet­ter, as Green­land pro­vi­des a lot of beau­ty in this area: the inland ice sends gree­tings in shape of ice­bergs of all shapes, sizes and colours. Also regar­ding the gene­ral land­scape, Rødefjord („red fjord“) real­ly lives up to its name.

We sent ano­ther day in the inner bran­ches of the­se fjords, name­ly in Harefjord. The­re, a small (well, for Green­land stan­dards) gla­cier comes down from the inland ice to the fjord. And wide tun­dra are­as, hills and moun­ta­ins invi­te for walks just about ever­y­whe­re. No doubt that you could spend weeks here. Or years.

Gal­lery 3: Rødefjord and Harefjord

Click on thumb­nail to open an enlar­ged ver­si­on of the spe­ci­fic pho­to.

To gal­lery:  → From Ice­land to Green­land  → Kap Brews­ter to Dan­mark Ø  → Rødefjord and Harefjord  → Øfjord and Bjør­neøer  → From Hall Bred­ning to Ice­land



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last modification: 2019-09-18 · copyright: Rolf Stange