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PanoTour with 360° Panoramas

Bratt­li­da­len vir­tu­al Pano­Tour


The pan­ora­mas indi­vi­du­al­ly

  1. Bratt­li­da­len 1
  2. Bratt­li­da­len 2
  3. Bratt­li­da­len 3
  4. Bratt­li­da­len 4
  5. Bratt­li­da­len 5
  6. Bratt­li­da­len 6
  7. Bratt­li­da­len 7

Bratt­li­da­len 1

From the distance, Bratt­li­da­len, situa­ted on the east side of Sas­send­a­len, seems to be quite incon­spi­cuous. You hard­ly see it, and it is easy just to pass it in miles’ distance unless you know what you miss unless you go and have a look.

Bratt­li­da­len 2

You can get some hundred met­res into Bratt­li­da­len by snow mobi­le, which is how most peo­p­le get here in the first place.

Bratt­li­da­len 3

This small tri­bu­t­a­ry val­ley to Sas­send­a­len is soon so nar­row that the snow mobi­les have to be park­ed.

Bratt­li­da­len 4

From here, it’s wal­king!

Bratt­li­da­len 5

And now it is real­ly get­ting nar­row. Parts of Bratt­li­da­len come in shape of a very nar­row and steep can­yon. Over thou­sands of years, a melt­wa­ter river has incis­ed its bed into the hard bed­rock, which forms steep or even over­han­ging walls right next to the river bed.

Bratt­li­da­len 6

Then, the nar­row can­yon-sec­tion of Bratt­li­da­len comes to a preli­mi­na­ry end. If you climb up a litt­le, but steep snow slo­pe – the site of a water­fall in sum­mer – then you see Bratt­li­da­len get­ting wider again.

Bratt­li­da­len 7

Bratt­li­da­len is lea­ding many kilo­me­t­res fur­ther into Colo­ra­dof­jel­la, whe­re it is forming a very impres­si­ve, but rather inac­ces­si­ble can­yon.


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last modification: 2019-04-18 · copyright: Rolf Stange