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Home* Tri­plogs with pho­to gal­le­riesArc­tic 2017Spits­ber­gen 06/27-2017/07/14 → Gal­lery 4: The west coast (2) – 06/27-2017/07/14

Gal­lery 4: The west coast (2) – 06/27-2017/07/14

After a long sai­ling pas­sa­ge around the south cape – up to 11.5 knots under sail – it was time to stretch legs a bit in Recher­chefjord. In Van Keu­len­fjord, it was a bit grey; in clear wea­ther, it is one of the most beau­tiful scenic are­as of Spits­ber­gen. The same can be said about Kongsfjord, whe­re the wea­ther was cle­ar­ly impro­ving. Hold on – befo­re we came that far, we had gone through For­lands­und, visi­ting wal­rus­ses and enjoy­ing an after­noon under sails, lis­tening to the dra­ma of Møkle­by and Simon­sen and later even visi­ting the remains of the geo­phy­si­cal obser­va­to­ry at Kva­de­hu­ken, whe­re their tra­ge­dy had star­ted.

Well, it was a bit of a sur­pri­se that we had tra­ve­led Spits­ber­gen for a good 10 days with see­ing any­thing real­ly of a polar bear. This was to chan­ge in Smee­ren­burg­fjord, much to ever­y­bo­dies delight.

Map – The west coast (2)

Spitzbergen 04 - The west coast (2)

Gal­lery 4: Die The west coast (2)

Click on thumb­nail to open an enlar­ged ver­si­on of the spe­ci­fic pho­to.

To Gal­lery:  → The west coast (1)  → The east coast  → Heley­sund and Barent­søya  → The west coast (2)  → 80 degrees, Wood­fjord and Lief­defjord  → The west coast (3)



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last modification: 2017-07-24 · copyright: Rolf Stange