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pfeil Calendar 2025: Spitsbergen & Greenland pfeil

Gallery 3: the northeast

The nor­the­ast


Then the wind came back again, so our crossing of Hin­lo­pen Strait towards Nord­aus­t­land tur­ned out to be ano­ther bum­py ride. It should remain win­dy, but Murch­ison­fjord, which almost always pro­vi­des shel­ter some­whe­re bet­ween its many islets and pen­in­su­las, did not fail this time eit­her, so we got a good, long hike in the polar desert of Nord­aus­t­land, in the vici­ni­ty of the inland ice – see­mingly emp­ty, yet so detail-rich and colourful land­scape of gre­at beau­ty.
Ano­ther bum­py ride across Hin­lo­pen took us to Lom­fjord, whe­re we made ano­ther love­ly hike, fol­lo­wed by some impres­si­ve wild­life obser­va­tions, sea­birds at Alkef­jel­let first and we found wal­rus­ses later on one of the islands.

Then it beca­me inte­res­t­ing (not that it had been bor­ing befo­re). Of cour­se we had been fol­lo­wing the ice situa­ti­on, which had obvious­ly star­ted to get more and more loo­se to our sur­pri­se. The way to and through Heley­sund was said to be open now, and this should be the need­le eye.

The­re was still quite a bit of ice in sou­thern Hin­lo­pen Strait, so the sou­thwes­tern part of Nord­aus­t­land and its ice caps were not acces­si­ble, but the ice gave us a stun­ning day as we crui­sed through it towards Heley­sund. Which its­elf pro­vi­ded one of the most exci­ting pas­sa­ges of this chan­nel that I have expe­ri­en­ced, and that means some­thing, I have been through the­re more than just a few times. I am loo­king for­ward to the vide­os (coming soon!).

Click on thumb­nail to open an enlar­ged ver­si­on of the spe­ci­fic pho­to.

To Gal­lery:  → the west  → the north  → the nor­the­ast  → the sou­the­ast  → the west



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last modification: 2015-10-20 · copyright: Rolf Stange