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Home* Tri­plogs with pho­to gal­le­riesArc­tic 2023 → Nor­way with SV Mean­der, 24.4.-3.5.

Norway with SV Meander: from Alta to Bodø

24th April to 3rd May 2023: triplog and photos

SV Meander, Norwegen 2023

SV Mean­der in Troll­fjord.

Nor­way with SV Mean­der: from Alta to Bodø – 24th April to 03rd May 2023

Leguan ReisenFrom Finn­mark through Kvæn­an­gen to Trom­sø, Sen­ja and Ves­terå­len to the Lofo­ten islands. We enoy­ed sun and snow, blue ski­es and clouds, warm days and rain, stun­ning sce­n­ery, inte­res­t­ing places, wha­les, some good hikes and good spi­rits on board. Good stuff!

Legu­an Rei­sen was the tour agen­cy of this trip.

Tri­plog: Nor­way with SV Mean­der, 24th April – 03rd May 2023

The­re are two ver­si­ons, with iden­ti­cal con­tents but dif­fe­rent in file size/print qua­li­ty. The tri­plog is only available in Ger­man, as this was the board lan­guage on this trip.

Impres­sens: Nor­way from Alta through Kvæn­an­gen to Trom­sø, Sen­ja and the islands of Ves­terå­len and Lofo­ten

The­se pages will give you some good impres­si­ons of the­se beau­tiful days bet­ween Alta and Bodø. For easier over­view, I have orga­nis­ed the pho­to gal­le­ries in two pages.:

Some adver­ti­sing in the end …

Fri­ends of high lati­tu­de will find ple­nty of good rea­ding mate­ri­al and more (calen­dar, pic­tu­re frames made from real Spits­ber­gen-drift­wood, …) in the Spitsbergen-Svalbard.com Shop. Have a look, the­re is some­thing for ever­y­bo­dy the­re! From tho­se who occa­sio­nal­ly like to enjoy some beau­tiful pic­tures to die-hard fans of the Arc­tic.

Arktis-Lesestoff im Spitzbergen.de-Shop

Arc­tic rea­ding mate­ri­al and more in the Spitsbergen-Svalbard.com Shop.



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last modification: 2023-05-06 · copyright: Rolf Stange