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Home* Pho­tos, Pan­ora­mas, Vide­os and Web­camsNor­way pan­ora­mas → Tin­den i Øks­nes, Ves­terå­len

Tinden i Øksnes, Vesterålen


You can lite­ral­ly smell histo­ry at the litt­le fishing and tra­ding post of Tin­den, on the small island Tind­søya. The spell of days gone past is han­ging hea­vi­ly in the air over the lone­so­me hou­ses, under the 468 m high moun­tain Tind­stin­den.

The place has exis­ted the­re, very clo­se to the open sea but well shel­te­red, for many cen­tu­ries. Sin­ce 1850, Tin­den was in pri­va­te owner­ship and was deve­lo­ped to beco­me a coas­tal tra­ding post. The main house was built in 1860, the other buil­dings go back to the 1880 when the older ones were des­troy­ed during a hea­vy storm.

The last owner, Skjalg Hal­møya from Hamarøya in Ves­terå­len, ran Tin­den for half a cen­tu­ry until he died on the first christ­mas day in 2002. Tin­den its­elf was alre­a­dy put under offi­ci­al pro­tec­tion as a his­to­ri­cal site in 1994 (they should have pro­tec­ted Skjalg as well!); after Skjalg had pas­sed away, Tin­den was han­ded over to a foun­da­ti­on that is meant to keep the place in good shape. Skjalg son Kjell Arne is taking care of it and greets visi­tors. With his very open and fri­end­ly way of doing so, he has all chan­ces to beco­me a local legend just as his father had been, whom many remem­ber as a very fri­end­ly, social, humo­rous sto­rytel­ler and host.

The­re is no road to Tin­den, most get the­re by boat. So did we in ear­ly June 2013 with the sai­ling ship Anti­gua, and just the wel­co­me that Kjell Arne gave us is a litt­le sto­ry in its­elf. Joa­chim (Cap­tain on Anti­gua) during the approach: “How deep is it at the jet­ty?” “Kjell: Two meters eigh­ty! What is your draught?” Joa­chim: “Three meters ten!” Kjell: “All­right! Just come along­side!”

A very memo­rable and enjoya­ble evening was to fol­low!

The­se pan­ora­mas can’t pos­si­ble give a com­ple­te impres­si­on of the magic of Tin­den i Øks­nes in Ves­terå­len, but they give a litt­le impres­si­on, at least. Should you ever find the way the­re, then you will not reg­ret it. And don’t for­get to say hel­lo to Kjell Arne from me!

Pan­ora­mas Tin­den



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last modification: 2013-12-27 · copyright: Rolf Stange