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pfeil Guidebook: Spitsbergen-Svalbard pfeil



Sne­sund (Snow Sound) is one of many natu­ral chan­nels in inner Score­s­by­sund. It is sepa­ra­ting the islands Sor­teø (Black Island) and Storeø (Gre­at Island) in the west from the big island Mil­ne Land in the east, con­nec­ting Rødefjord and Øfjord. It can accor­din­gly be used as a short­cut during a cir­cum­na­vi­ga­ti­on of Mil­ne Land, but then you miss some scenic fjords such as Harefjord, Rypefjord and the nor­t­hern part of Rødefjord. The best is of cour­se having enough time to sail into all of them ☺ and Sne­sund is a very senic pas­sa­ge. It has the nar­ro­west part of all the gre­at fjords sur­roun­ding Mil­ne Land, but even this is almost 3 kilo­me­ters wide …

As the other fjords in the area, Sne­sund is very deep, even direct­ly adja­cent to its rocky, often near ver­ti­cal shore­li­nes. We took advan­ta­ge of this bathy­me­try by par­king our very robust ship Ópal direct­ly on the shore, using a hose to stock with crys­tal clear gla­cier melt­wa­ter, fil­ling our drin­king water tanks with the best water you can ima­gi­ne. Mean­while, we took a litt­le walk up the rocky gra­vel slo­pe, visi­ting a smal­ler gla­cier ton­gue that had obvious­ly retrea­ted stron­gly in recent deca­des, making fasci­na­ting clo­se cont­act with the gla­cier ice.




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last modification: 2014-01-04 · copyright: Rolf Stange