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pfeil Calendar 2025: Spitsbergen & Greenland pfeil

Fjortende Julibukta

360 degree panorama

Fjor­ten­de Juli­buk­ta is a side­bay of Kross­fjord. Due to the varied beau­ty of its natu­re, it is well-known and a popu­lar place to visit. The gla­cier, Fjor­ten­de Juli­breen, is often quite acti­ve, it is the most obvious eye-cat­cher in Fjor­ten­de Juli­buk­ta. It is pos­si­ble to approach the gla­cier front by boat or on the beach (keep a safe distance and be awa­re of the risk of very hea­vy brea­k­ers in case of major cal­vings!).

At Redin­ger­pyn­ten, on the north side of the ent­rance to Fjor­ten­de Juli­buk­ta, the­re is a litt­le bird cliff at sea level, with Brünich’s guil­l­emots and some puf­fins and geese. The­re used to be a pair of razor­bills or two, but they have not been seen in recent years as of 2019. The­re are lar­ger num­bers of sea­birds hig­her up on the moun­tain slo­pes.

The bird cliffs pro­vi­de abun­dant fer­ti­li­sa­ti­on to the lower slo­pes. Tog­e­ther with the bed­rock, which con­sists of schist that is easi­ly wea­the­ring and the rela­tively mild local cli­ma­te – south-facing slo­pe on the cen­tral west coast – this com­bi­na­ti­on enables a rather rich vege­ta­ti­on to grow. Next to com­mon spe­ci­es such as the moss cam­pi­on, the­re are more rare ones inclu­ding the polar dan­de­l­ion (Tar­a­xa­cum brachy­ce­ras) or the black fle­a­ba­ne (Eri­ge­ron humi­lis). Plants get big­ger here than in most other places in Spits­ber­gen.

It is self-evi­dent that visi­tors have to tre­at the beau­tiful natu­re respectful­ly to avo­id dis­tur­ban­ce of birds, ero­si­on on the vege­ta­ti­on and risks rela­ted to the cal­ving gla­cier!


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last modification: 2019-07-15 · copyright: Rolf Stange