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Freemansund: Zeiløyane

360 degree panorama and some remarks about the landscape

Zeiløya­ne (“The Zeil Islands”) are a small group of islands in eas­tern Free­man­sund, near Åne­sest on Edgeøya. On the map they appear almost as a pearl neck­lace:

Zeiløyane, Svalbard

Zeiløya­ne (Zeil-Islands) in Free­man­sund, near Edgeøya.
Map © Nor­we­gi­an Polar Insti­tu­te.

The impres­si­on on loca­ti­on is a dif­fe­rent one: here the Zeiløya­ne seem to be one island, long and nar­row. At least the wes­tern part, whe­re this pan­ora­ma was taken. Did the land­scape chan­ge or is the map just inac­cu­ra­te?

The­re was not much time for fur­ther inves­ti­ga­ti­ons and the wea­ther was not very plea­sant, so the­re was no oppor­tu­ni­ty to have a look at the eas­tern part of the island(s). But I am pret­ty sure that I will get an oppor­tu­ni­ty to do that one day 🙂



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last modification: 2019-12-16 · copyright: Rolf Stange