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Flakstadøya, Lofoten

Many visi­tors will agree that Nusfjord is one of the most beau­tiful places in Lofo­ten. As many other sett­le­ments in Lofo­ten, Nusfjord has been a local­ly important fishing har­bour for cen­tu­ries. No sur­pri­se, as it is situa­ted at a bay cal­led Nusfjord, which is not only very scenic, but also a well-shel­te­red natu­ral har­bour.

In his­to­ri­cal times, fishers coming for the sea­so­nal cod fishery would stay in the tra­di­tio­nal „ror­buer“, which are today sought-after acom­mo­da­ti­on for tou­rists, who come in thou­sands every year to enjoy the charme of the place with its old woo­den hou­ses from the late 19th and ear­ly 20th cen­tu­ry, the scenic sur­roun­dings, the sea and the ever-chan­ging wea­ther.

Nusfjord was sel­ec­ted as one of three places in Nor­way by the UNESO in 1975, the year dedi­ca­ted to the pro­tec­tion of tra­di­tio­nal archi­tec­tu­re, as a pro­ject to pre­ser­ve the int­act com­po­si­ti­on of tra­di­tio­nal buil­dings. It is, howe­ver, not true that Nusfjord is on the UNESCO world heri­ta­ge list.

Nusfjord 1

View over the litt­le fishing vil­la­ge of Nusfjord on the island Flak­sta­døy.

Nusfjord: Har­bour

The litt­le har­bour of Nusfjord is acces­si­ble only for smal­ler ships. The who­le vil­la­ge is orga­ni­zed around the har­bour, which used to be the cent­re for all acti­vi­ties.

Nusfjord: loa­ding cra­nes

Old loa­ding cra­nes, or rather unloa­ding cra­nes, near the har­bour. They were used to unload fish, which was then put onto the dry­ing racks to pro­du­ce the famous stock­fi­sh.

Nusfjord: Land­han­del 1

The old shop (Land­han­del) is the cent­re pie­ce of the muse­um, which the his­to­ri­cal part of the vil­la­ge has been tur­ned into.

Nusfjord: Land­han­del 2

The old inte­riour has been pre­ser­ved and hence also the charme of the old times. You get sou­ve­nirs, cof­fee and cake. Not to be missed!

Nusfjord: sto­rage

The old sto­rage hall is now part of the muse­um.

Nusfjord: Ror­buer

The­re is a num­ber of Ror­buer around the har­bour and a bit fur­ther away. Ror­buer are huts that are stan­ding on woo­den poles on the water edge. In the old days, Ror­buer were simp­le accom­mo­da­ti­on for fisher­men. Today, they are sought-after accom­mo­da­ti­on for tou­rists, some of them with a very high stan­dard.



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last modification: 2017-05-09 · copyright: Rolf Stange