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Barentsburg: Stairs

360° panoramas

Barents­burg is hard work – at least, if you come from the har­bour, as you need to walk up a long, woo­den stair­ca­se to get up to the main part of the sett­le­ment. Of cour­se, the­re is a street and you could order a bus, but I guess that would be too easy … the stairs are just part of the fun! And you have nice views at any time you want to take a breath.

If you don’t like the stairs, then you should have seen the old ones. The cur­rent ones were built a cou­ple of years ago. That was in 2008, as far as I can remem­ber.

The­re is a very nice woo­den pan­ora­ma plat­form next to the stair­ca­se in the upper part, exact­ly when you need to take a rest. The view over Grønfjord is real­ly gre­at in clear wea­ther! The only thing that is miss­ing here is a café … from here, it is not far any­mo­re to the old can­teen and the city cent­re.



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last modification: 2018-11-11 · copyright: Rolf Stange