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Home* Tri­plogs with pho­to gal­le­riesArc­tic sea­son 2024 → Spits­ber­gen 06.-24.08.24 with SY Arc­ti­ca II

Spitsbergen 06.-24.08.2024 with SY Arctica II

Photos and triplog

SY Arctica II, 2024, Spitsbergen

SY Arc­ti­ca II on Spitsbergen’s north coast.

It may sound pathe­tic … but this is how it is: the­se pages are sup­po­sed to be a digi­tal monu­ment for a trip that was as spe­cial as any arc­tic voya­ge can only be. I guess you have to have been the­re yours­elf in order to real­ly com­pre­hend it. All of my voy­a­ges with the gre­at boat Arc­ti­ca II were unfor­gettable. Anyo­ne lucky enough to have been on one or even seve­ral ones of them has seen a lot of Spits­ber­gen, inclu­ding places hard­ly ever seen by anyo­ne else.

The voya­ge that this page is about, in August 2024, was the last one of its kind. 18 days packed with Spits­ber­gen expe­ri­ence of all sorts, inclu­ding beau­tiful, fasci­na­ting, remo­te places. This will not hap­pen again, con­side­ring the new regu­la­ti­ons that will be in force from 2025 (nevert­hel­ess, we will con­ti­nue with gre­at trips in Spits­ber­gen, but they will be dif­fe­rent).

Here is the tri­plog and, lin­ked below, three pages with pho­to gal­le­ries of the various legs of this ama­zing voya­ge.

Tri­plog: Spits­ber­gen with SY Arc­ti­ca II, 06th-24th August 2024

The­re are two ver­si­ons. The con­tent is iden­ti­cal, the dif­fe­rence is just the file size and thus the gra­phic qua­li­ty. The text is Ger­man, any­way.

Polar bear, Halvmåneøya

Ear­ly mor­ning visit at Halv­må­neøya.

Pho­to gal­le­ries – with SY Arc­ti­ca II around Spits­ber­gen

Click on the links to access pages with pho­to gal­le­ries of the various legs of the jour­ney:

We had an ama­zing time on good old Arc­ti­ca II with skip­per Peter Schur­ke and the who­le gang on board. Big thanks to all of you for the good time that we shared!

Skipper Peter Schurke, Arctica II

Skip­per Peter Schur­ke: a mas­ter not only of navi­ga­ti­on!

Get­ting to all the­se places …

… is almost impos­si­ble for most peo­p­le in real life, but nevert­hel­ess, many of them are just a click away! The­re are hundreds pages on this web­site dedi­ca­ted to indi­vi­du­al sites all over Sval­bard, inclu­ding the­se ones that we visi­ted on this trip:



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last modification: 2024-10-05 · copyright: Rolf Stange