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pfeil Calendar 2025: Spitsbergen & Greenland pfeil

Pyramiden: Former Russian School

Extensive 360° PanoTour

Pyra­mi­den – school – vir­tu­al tour/panorama tour

PanoTour - former Russian School - Pyramiden


The map at the bot­tom left can be used to jump to the indi­vi­du­al sta­ti­ons. But you can also let the who­le tour run auto­ma­ti­cal­ly. The sound can be swit­ched off with the but­ton in the upper right cor­ner. The Pano-Tour also works on the iPad and other com­pa­ra­ble tablets, if the device has enough pro­ces­sor power and the ope­ra­ting sys­tem is up-to-date enough.


  1. 01 Ent­rance
  2. 02 Hall­way (ground flo­or)
  3. 03 Class­room (?) (ground flo­or)
  4. 04 Hall­way (1) (second flo­or)
  5. 05 Sports hall (second flo­or)
  6. 06 Class­room (second flo­or)
  7. 07 Class­room (second flo­or)
  8. 08 Class­room (second flo­or)
  9. 09 Hall­way 2 (second flo­or)
  10. 10 Stair­ca­se
  11. 11 Show­ers (second flo­or)
  12. 12 Class­room (second flo­or)
  13. 13 Hall­way 1 (third flo­or)
  14. 14 Hall­way 2 (third flo­or)
  15. 15 Theat­re room (third flo­or)
  16. 16 Theat­re room 2 (third flo­or)
  17. 17 Class­room a (third flo­or)
  18. 18 Class­room b (third flo­or)
  19. 19 Slee­ping room (third flo­or)
  20. 20 Kin­der­gar­ten: slee­ping room (third flo­or)
  21. 21 Kin­der­gar­ten a (third flo­or)
  22. 22 Kin­der­gar­ten b (third flo­or)

01 Ent­rance

School and kin­der­gar­ten were loca­ted tog­e­ther in one buil­ding in Pyra­mi­den, next to the cen­tral squa­re and the can­teen. In con­trast to the lat­ter, the school has, at least so far, not been acces­si­ble for visi­tors on a regu­lar basis. But a visit is inde­ed fasci­na­ting. Archi­tec­tu­re and faci­li­ties tell a lot about what living and lear­ning might have been like in the old days.

02 Hall­way (ground flo­or)

Hall­way on the first flo­or of the school. Seve­ral rooms can be rea­ched from here, inclu­ding a lar­ge, emp­ty room that may have been a class­room.

03 Class­room (?) (ground flo­or)

A lar­ge room on the first flo­or, now com­ple­te­ly emp­ty. Pro­ba­b­ly a for­mer class­room.

04 Hall­way (1) (second flo­or)

A cou­ple of steps lead up from the ground flo­or to the long hall­way on the second flo­or. The stair­ca­se up to the third flo­or can be rea­ched from here as well as seve­ral old class­rooms etc.

05 Sports hall (second flo­or)

Phy­si­cal exer­cise were held in high esteem and sport was espe­ci­al­ly important during the polar night, when pos­si­bi­li­ties for child­ren to play out­side were rather limi­t­ed. Next to the lar­ge sports hall in the Cul­tu­re House and the swim­ming pool in a sepa­ra­te buil­ding, the­re was a small sports hall here in the school and kin­der­gar­ten buil­ding.

06 Class­room (second flo­or)

One of seve­ral class­rooms on the second flo­or with some remains of the out­fit. Other than some tables and chairs and a small cup­board made of woo­den boxes, the­re is not much left.

07 Class­room (second flo­or)

Class­room with some bits and pie­ces of the out­fit, inclu­ding the black­board and teacher’s table with some old stuff.

08 Class­room (second flo­or)

Old class­room that has been tur­ned into a lum­ber-room. The­re are chairs, tables, bedframes and various smal­ler bits and pie­ces.

09 Hall­way 2 (second flo­or)

Far end (wes­tern end) of the hall­way on the second flo­or, with the doors to the sports hall and two class­rooms.

10 Stair­ca­se

The stair­ca­se bet­ween the second and the third flo­or.

11 Show­ers (second flo­or)

Small room on the second flo­or with access to show­ers and a class­room. It is remar­kab­le that show­ers whe­re available here.

12 Class­room (second flo­or)

Class­room, lar­ge­ly emp­ty.

13 Hall­way 1 (third flo­or)

Eas­tern end of the long hall­way on the third flo­or, next to the door to the stairs to the second flo­or.

14 Hall­way 2 (third flo­or)

Cen­tral part of the hall­way on the third flo­or. The kin­der­gar­ten, a bed­room and the thea­ter room are acces­si­ble from here.

15 Theat­re room (third flo­or)

The theat­re room was rather small (the lar­ge stage was in the Cul­tu­re House). But it appears if it is still rea­dy for show­time at any time. Chairs for the audi­ence are in place. The wall pain­ting was appear­ent­ly made with gre­at care and love.

16 Theat­re room 2 (third flo­or)

The theat­re room from the stage end. The simp­le ship was part of the set­ting.

17 Class­room a (third flo­or)

Class­room at the far end (wes­tern end) of the hall­way on the third flo­or. A lot of the out­fit is still pre­sent. The tables are in posi­ti­on as if left behind just yes­ter­day and road signs for traf­fic edu­ca­ti­on are still stan­ding in the cor­ner.

18 Class­room b (third flo­or)

The same class­room seen from the other end. Text­books for various sub­jects (histo­ry, Rus­si­an, natu­ral histo­ry, geo­gra­phy, …) are still stan­ding on the books­hel­ves.

19 Slee­ping room (third flo­or)

Slee­ping room behind the class­room on the nor­t­hern side of the hall­way. The­re are still some old bedframes in the room which reminds of an old-fashio­ned youth hos­tel. The pre­sence of slee­ping rooms and show­ers next to the class­rooms is remar­kab­le.

20 Kin­der­gar­ten: slee­ping room (third flo­or)

Slee­ping room next to the kin­der­gar­ten on the sou­thern side of the hall­way. The­re are still 6 bedframes on each side of the room, as if they were just about to be used again soon. Books and note­books are on the table.
A simp­le sign that is stan­ding in a win­dow says “Kin­der­gar­ten litt­le pen­gu­in”. Accor­ding to the sign at the ent­rance to the buil­ding, howe­ver, the kin­der­gar­ten was cal­led “Kin­der­gar­ten litt­le sun.”

21 Kin­der­gar­ten a (third flo­or)

A lar­ge, nice room for the youn­gest ones. Various toys are still stan­ding on win­dow ben­ches, tables and cup­boards.

22 Kin­der­gar­ten b (third flo­or)

The kin­der­gar­ten “litt­le sun” from a per­spec­ti­ve in the back end of the room.


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last modification: 2024-11-12 · copyright: Rolf Stange