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The hut of the Ymer expedition on Storøya

Panorama of a hut of the Swedish Ymer expedition

Storøya Ymer hut, map

The Ymer hut (“Sta­ti­on Val­ter”) on Storøya is on the west side of the island, at Knøt­tod­den.

The­re was a lar­ge Swe­dish sci­en­ti­fic expe­di­ti­on in 1980, known as the Ymer expe­di­ti­on after the ice­brea­k­er that was used by the expe­di­ti­on. The expe­di­ti­on work­ed in the eas­tern and nor­the­as­tern parts of Spits­ber­gen and in the waters north of Franz Josef Land.

Two huts were built in Sval­bard, now known as the Ymer huts. Both were built and used for a few weeks for field rese­arch in the late sum­mer of 1980. One is on Glen­hal­vøya on the north side of Nord­aus­t­land and the other one is the one at Knøt­tod­den on Storøya. The lat­ter one was cal­led “Sta­ti­on Val­ter” by the expe­di­ti­on mem­bers, after Val­ter Schytt, an important Swe­dish gla­cio­lo­gist during the 20th cen­tu­ry and one of the lea­ding figu­res of the 1980 Ymer expe­di­ti­on.

It was the end of the era when peo­p­le would just build a hut when­ever they nee­ded a base in the field. This is now strict­ly regu­la­ted and most­ly not pos­si­ble any­mo­re. On the other hand, the expe­di­ti­on had a strong ice­brea­k­er and heli­c­op­ters at their dis­po­sal. Regar­ding rese­arch, the gla­cier was their main object on Storøya. The­re, the ice cap Storøy­jø­ku­len is just behind the hut.

Ymer hut (“Sta­ti­on Val­ter”) – out­side Pan­ora­ma (1)

When I was the­re and took the­se pho­tos in August 2023, the visi­bi­li­ty was too bad to see much of the ice cap. The hut was in ok con­di­ti­on, start­ing to dete­rio­ra­te and wit­hout much inte­riour, but struc­tu­ral­ly so far reason­ab­ly sta­ble.

Ymer hut (“Sta­ti­on Val­ter”) – out­side Pan­ora­ma (2)

Ymer hut (“Sta­ti­on Val­ter”) – Pan­ora­ma insi­de

A lot of the ori­gi­nal inte­ri­or of the hut had been remo­ved, and it is not in as good and com­ple­te con­di­ti­on as the other hut of the Ymer-expe­di­ti­on on Glen­hal­vøya on the north coast of Nord­aus­t­land. But as of August 2023, it is at least struc­tu­ral­ly lar­ge­ly int­act.

Ymer hut (“Sta­ti­on Val­ter”) – Bird pano (1)

Also the­se pan­ora­mas taken with the fly­ing came­ra (aka dro­ne) suf­fe­r­ed a bit from the poor visi­bi­li­ty.

Ymer hut (“Sta­ti­on Val­ter”) – Bird pano (2)

This last pan­ora­ma shows the sur­roun­dings of the Ymer-hut on Storøya near the coast.

Pho­to gal­lery – Storøya: Ymer hut

Some impres­si­ons of “Sta­ti­on Val­ter” and sur­roun­dings.

Click on thumb­nail to open an enlar­ged ver­si­on of the spe­ci­fic pho­to.


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last modification: 2024-12-12 · copyright: Rolf Stange