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pfeil Guidebook: Spitsbergen-Svalbard pfeil

Part 3: Lofoten

North Norway with SV Antigua, 2019: Tromsø-Lofoten-Bodø

Final­ly we rea­ched the Lofo­ten area. Not yet Lofo­ten pro­per. Skar­ber­get is in Tysfjor­den (or, in the Sami lan­guage: Div­tas­vuod­na) in the dis­trict of Ofo­ten, oppo­si­te Lofo­ten on the main­land. The simi­la­ri­ty of the names, Ofo­ten and Lofo­ten, is just coin­ci­dence. Skar­ber­get is a love­ly area for hiking, even when the wind is blo­wing the snow into your face.

Tranøy is a place of art. The­re is art ever­y­whe­re in this nice litt­le vil­la­ge. Parts of it are quite obvious, whe­re­as you have to look for other ones. That does not get easier as it is get­ting dark, but we found quite a few.

Then we went to Lofo­ten pro­per. Troll­fjord was a bit of a win­ter adven­ture, and Skro­va gre­at as always, with love­ly hiking and wal­king oppor­tu­ni­ties, Sascha’s BBQ and even a bit of nor­t­hern light later that evening.

Kabel­våg is ano­ther rather silent place, but nice and it has an inte­res­t­ing histo­ry muse­um and an equal­ly inte­res­t­ing mari­ne aqua­ri­um. The hard-bit­ten ones were not put off by some water – fro­zen from abo­ve and wet from below – but hik­ed to Svol­vær, whe­re we took the bus to the nor­t­hern light cent­re in Lauk­vik later that evening.

A visit to the love­ly vil­la­ge of Hen­nings­vær, situa­ted on seve­ral small islands, roun­ed our visit to Lofo­ten off befo­re we crossed Ves­t­fjord to Bodø.

Gal­lery: Lofo­ten

Click on thumb­nail to open an enlar­ged ver­si­on of the spe­ci­fic pho­to.

To page:  → Trom­sø – Nord-Len­an­gen  → Skrol­s­vik & Har­stad  → Lofo­ten



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last modification: 2019-11-06 · copyright: Rolf Stange