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pfeil Calendar 2025: Spitsbergen & Greenland pfeil

Upper Endalen


Upper End­a­len

In upper End­a­len, the river rus­hes steep slo­pes down that are made up of the morai­ne of Boger­breen and under­ly­ing bed­rock. The river is split up into seve­ral bran­ches, one of them forming the water­fall and ano­ther one a litt­le wild­wa­ter river, rus­hing down the steep morai­ne slo­pe. This is quite likely the end of most sum­mer hikes into End­a­len, at least at times of high water.

End­a­len 3

A win­ter tour does not have to deal with the river becau­se it does not exist in the cold sea­son. In win­ter, lower End­a­len is a popu­lar cross-coun­try ski­ing rou­te. The popu­lar part, which is some­ti­mes even level­led and pre­pared for ski­ing, ends after a few kilo­me­t­res from the road, though. From now, you have to find your own way.

In upper End­a­len, the val­ley is sur­roun­ded by nice lower ter­tia­ry sand­stone cliffs.

End­a­len 4

A litt­le melt­wa­ter river from Boger­breen falls down over some sand­stone cliffs. It is fro­zen to a column of ice in the win­ter. This is whe­re the lower, flat part of End­a­len ends. We can con­ti­nue the tour, howe­ver, by clim­bing up the morai­ne of Boger­breen.

End­a­len 5

The ascent is a bit of a climb, but the view from the morai­ne hills of Boger­breen is more than worth it. We are loo­king over the who­le of End­a­len towards Advent­da­len in the distance.

End­a­len 6

Now we have rea­ched the tran­si­ti­on from End­a­len to Fard­a­len. From Fard­a­len, the­re is a steep ascent up to Lon­gye­ar­pass and Lon­gye­ar­breen, so you don’t have to return the same way through End­a­len. Tog­e­ther with the nice views, this makes it a very nice ski tour in March or April. It is quite a tour with 17-18 kilo­me­t­res length and two signi­fi­cant ascents. Make sure you are not eaten by a polar bear or hit by an ava­lan­che. Have fun!



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last modification: 2019-04-23 · copyright: Rolf Stange