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Home* Tri­plogs with pho­to gal­le­ries* Arc­tic 2019 → Green­land with Anne-Mar­ga­re­tha 2019

Greenland with SV Anne-Margaretha

25 August - 09 September 2019

Green­land Anne-Mar­ga­re­tha: Green­land is a scenic dream, total­ly in a league of its own in terms of dimen­si­ons, light and colours. Even and espe­ci­al­ly when you think that you have seen it all – Spits­ber­gen, Ant­ar­c­ti­ca … Green­land is and remains uni­que.

Our desti­na­ti­on with SV Anne-Mar­ga­re­tha was Greenand’s back side, the wild, lar­ge east coast. We star­ted in Akurey­ri, so we got to see some bits and pie­ces of Ice­land on the way the­re and back. You have to be a bit fle­xi­ble when it comes to open oce­an crossings in high lati­tu­des with small sai­ling ves­sels, so we had a total of three days in Ice­land to avo­id storms – but having three days in Ice­land is obvious­ly not a bad thing at all 🙂

The crossings were a good bit of pela­gic sai­ling. Obvious­ly, ever­y­bo­dy has a dif­fe­rent per­spec­ti­ve on seve­ral hundred miles of open sea on a small ship – for some it is a dream, you hard­ly get them away from the stee­ring wheel. Others, well … you don’t see much of them until the ship is in shel­te­red waters again. Any­way, once we were the­re, we real­ly had ear­ned some gol­den days in Green­land, and we did get them! In Score­s­by­sund, one of the might­ie­st fjord land­scapes on earth. Of cour­se we could have had more time the­re, no doubt … but Green­land gave us some ama­zing days with the­se unbe­lie­va­ble dimen­si­ons of the land­scape, the bright colours, the incre­di­ble ice­bergs, the (nor­t­hern) light …

Thank you to all of you who were part of this ama­zing expe­ri­ence! At sea, during our sai­lings in the fjords, in the silence of the arc­tic natu­re – we enjoy­ed gre­at spi­rits and atmo­sphe­re from one end to the other, a gre­at con­tri­bu­ti­on to a gre­at trip. Thank you all! And espe­ci­al­ly, of cour­se, to skip­per and ship owner Heinz Wut­sch­ke and his good crew of SV Anne-Mar­ga­re­tha. And if you want to tra­vel with Heinz on his ship, plea­se have a look at his web­site (click here).

Click here to down­load the tri­plog (pdf, 12.7 MB, Ger­man text).

By cli­cking on the links below you will get to pages that descri­be the various legs of our jour­ney, inclu­ding ple­nty of pho­tos:

Pho­to-gal­lery – Green­land with SV Anne-Mar­ga­re­tha 2019

  • ant­ark­tis-05-15_03_2007-1

Click on thumb­nail to get the cor­re­spon­ding gal­lery.



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last modification: 2019-09-18 · copyright: Rolf Stange