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pfeil Page of the week: Gnålodden pfeil

Gal­lery 5: Kongsfjord

Blom­strand­breen is stron­gly crev­as­sed and a wild view, but it does not offer easy access onto the ice. But we found a place whe­re it was actual­ly pos­si­ble to go into the gla­cier for some met­res, which is a rare and inte­res­t­ing expe­ri­ence.

Just as rare and cer­tain­ly more than just a bit inte­res­t­ing was our sight­ing of a polar bear, that kept us busy for a good part of the after­noon. It spent some time swim­ming across the fjord bet­ween many pie­ces of gla­cier ice, making it a bit dif­fi­cult to see it as we kept a good distance in order not to dis­turb it. We could then see it beau­tiful­ly in full sple­ndor as it went out of the water at Ossi­an Sars­fjel­let, clim­bing at ama­zing pace across steep slo­pes see­mingly wit­hout any effort, step­ping over big rocks and small cliffs while making a reinde­er panic.

And as if this had not yet been enough for a day, we still had time to make a late after­noon landing on one of the small islands in Kongsfjord, enjoy­ing pan­o­r­amic views of the grand sce­n­ery around us in the light of yet ano­ther beau­tiful sun­set shi­ning on the mos­ses and lichens to our feet and on moun­ta­ins and gla­ciers in the distance.

Gal­lery 5

Click on thumb­nail to open an enlar­ged ver­si­on of the spe­ci­fic pho­to.

To the Gal­lery:  → Isfjord and Kongsfjord  → From Mag­da­le­nefjord to Mof­fen  → Lief­defjord  → Kross­fjord  → Kongsfjord  → Isfjord



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last modification: 2015-12-18 · copyright: Rolf Stange