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Barentsburg: brewery - Kracnij Medwed

360° panoramas

The bre­wery in Barents­burg began some years ago with the pro­duc­tion of light beer, becau­se the pro­duc­tion of stron­ger alco­ho­lic drinks was for­bidden in Spits­ber­gen by Nor­we­gi­an law. But once this old-fashio­ned pro­hi­bi­ti­on had been remo­ved by the Nor­we­gi­an par­lia­ment, the pro­duc­tion of real beers could start. Sin­ce then, the “Red Bear” (Красный медведь = Krac­nij Med­wed = Red Bear, this is the name of the bre­wery) pro­du­ces seve­ral kinds of beer, which are available in the local bars. All of them enjoy gre­at popu­la­ri­ty among­st visi­tors.

The bre­wery is loca­ted clo­se to the hotel. This can be quite useful after exten­si­ve test­ing of the various pro­ducts.

The bre­wery its­elf is loca­ted on the first flo­or, tog­e­ther with a small bar for beer tastings.

The­re is a bar in the second flo­or. The bar was re-desi­gned in 2017 with gre­at suc­cess: it is real­ly temp­ting to sett­le down for a long evening and enjoy a beer or two or three! Often it is quite busy and lively. Many ships, hiking groups and expe­di­ti­ons have left their signa­tures on the roof.



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last modification: 2018-11-08 · copyright: Rolf Stange