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Home* Pho­tos, Pan­ora­mas, Vide­os and Web­camsSpits­ber­gen Pan­ora­masLon­gye­ar­by­en → Old coal cable­way: cur­ve sta­ti­on Skjæringa

Longyearbyen - Old coal cableway: curve station Skjæringa

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The old coal cable­wy was used to trans­port coal from the mines to the har­bour. Whe­re­ver seve­ral cable­ways met on the way, they were brought tog­e­ther in spe­cial faci­li­ties so only one con­ti­nua­tion was nee­ded for onward trans­port. The­se faci­li­ties were the Vin­kelstas­jon („ang­le sta­ti­on“ or rather „cur­ve sta­ti­on“) in the mouth of End­a­len and of cour­se the migh­ty Taub­a­ne­sen­tra­le („cable­way cen­tral sta­ti­on“) high up in Longyearbyen’s oldest quar­ter Skjæringa.

Becau­se the cable­ways could only ope­ra­te in straight lines, spe­cial faci­li­ties were nee­ded whe­re­ver they nee­ded to take a cur­ve. One such cur­ve sta­ti­on (plea­se let me know in case you have a bet­ter word) is in Lon­gye­ar­by­en just under the church.



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last modification: 2019-02-04 · copyright: Rolf Stange