Spitsbergen under sail with SV Antigua, 25 June - 12 July 2019
Gallery 3: On the west coast again
The wind that was attached to the south cape seemed to have a lot of patience, so we just did the same on the west coast. There are so many stunningly beautiful fjords and bays, you can spend weeks on end there! It just looks a bit funny on the map. Especially in the Forlandsund area, our actual route reminds a bit of a ball of wool 🙂
It was quite windy in Krossfjord, except from Lilliehöökbreen, where we spend a great morning. So we took off and went to Kongsfjord, where we made a lovely hike on Blomstrandhalvøya, investigating a coastal cave and a real grotto.
Then we went into Isfjorden – quite unusual in the middle of such a long voyage, but hey, why not? – where we were welcomed by a large pod of Belugas and went to visit some very interesting places in Ekmanfjord including Coraholmen, a fascinating island largely made up of red moraines. I guess that’s what it looks like on Mars, kind of.
After excursions into Ymerbukta and to Barentsburg, we said goodbye to civilisation again and headed south, where the weather seemed to clear up now.
Gallery 3: On the west coast again
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last modification: 2019-07-27 ·
copyright: Rolf Stange