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pfeil Calendar 2025: Spitsbergen & Greenland pfeil

North Norway with SV Antigua, 06-13 November, 2023

From Tromsø to Arnøy

Finnkroken, Reinøya

Finn­kro­ken on Reinøya.

The first evening took us to Finn­kro­ken on Reinøya, a love­ly litt­le place with an ama­zing histo­ry of some 6000 years to which we got an inte­res­t­ing intro­duc­tion by “Mr. Finn­kro­ken” Jo Mar­tin and fri­ends. A good start into the trip, even wit­hout nor­t­hern lights. Next mor­ning, we could explo­re Finn­kro­ken (and sur­roun­dings, accor­ding to tas­te) with day­light.

It took a cou­ple of hours sai­ling to Arnøy, just on the door­step to Kvæn­an­gen. Beau­tiful lights (wit­hout “nor­t­hern”) during the pas­sa­ge. No wha­les yet …

Evening light near Arnøy

Evening light near Arnøy on the way to Kvæn­an­gen.

Pho­to gal­lery 1: From Trom­sø to Arnøy

Click on thumb­nail to open an enlar­ged ver­si­on of the spe­ci­fic pho­to.

To page/photo gal­lery:  → From Trom­sø to Arnøy  → Kvæn­an­gen  → From Sørk­jo­sen to Trom­sø



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last modification: 2023-11-20 · copyright: Rolf Stange