With SV Meander around Spitsbergen, 26 August - 08 September 2024
Triplog and photos
With SV Meander around Spitsbergen, August/September 2024.
With SV Meander around Spitsbergen, 26 August – 08 September 2024
With Meander around Spitsbergen! We had 13 days to sail around the islands, including two in the beginning and at the end that we spent in Isfjord because of rough weather elsewhere. Which was a good thing, it gave us a taste of how things will be next year, with new rules, when we will spend more time in places like Isfjord anyway. Not a bad thing at all! Then we went north, step by step, into Kongsfjord, to the northwest corner, into Raudfjord, Liefdefjord, Woodfjord, Hinlopen Strait … all around the island, including classics and rarities, thinking of places.
Bearded seal in Palanderbukta.
The wildlife seemed to be a bit more spread out compared to August – it is of course not the case that polar bears migrate far away to warmer regions at the end of the summer 🙂 obviously they don’t. They just didn’t show up as abundantly as in August. But we did see them, and we saw walruses, bearded seals and whales.
On this page, you can access the triplog and pages with photo galleries, which are sorted on individual pages for the various legs of the journey for better overview.
Triplog: with Meander around Spitsbergen, 26th August – 08th September 2024
There are two versions, with identical contents but different in file size and hence graphic quality.
Photos: with Meander around Spitsbergen, 26 August – 08 September 2024
For better overview, the photos are arranged on galleries on individual pages representing the various legs of our journey. Click on the links below to access these pages. There is short descriptive text with some links behind placenames etc.; the links will open pages within this website with more photos and background information about the places etc.
This and other publishing products of the Spitsbergen publishing house in the Spitsbergen-Shop.
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