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pfeil Guidebook: Spitsbergen-Svalbard pfeil

Norway - Bear Island - Spitsbergen with SV Meander, 25.4.-8.5.2022

Part 3: Spitsbergen

SV Meander 2022: Map Spitzbergen


Final­ly we had rea­ched Spits­ber­gen, and we still had a cou­ple of days to explo­re the beau­ty of the fjords on the west coast. Some of the bays were still fro­zen solid and the land is still snow-cover­ed. Altog­e­ther, this did not actual­ly increase our free moving space, but it gave us beau­tiful impres­si­ons of the arc­tic win­ter, some­thing you may not in the first place asso­cia­te with ship-based tra­vel­ling in the Arc­tic.

SV Meander 2022, Van Mijenfjord

SV Mean­der at the fast ice edge in Van Mijenfjord.

Alre­a­dy on our first walk ashore we met a polar bear, which didn’t pay much atten­ti­on to us. He (or she) hard­ly tur­ned his head our way, but con­tin­ued his end­less migra­ti­on, just show­ing us in a peaceful way who real­ly is at home the­re.

A lot of ice, drif­ting and solid, a beau­tiful pas­sa­ge under sail, ano­ther polar bear under the mid­night sun (hid­den by clouds, though), snow-cover­ed tun­dra, reinde­er, a visit to the old and aban­do­ned Rus­si­an sett­le­ment of Coles­buk­ta and the wide-open, beau­tiful bay oc Bore­buk­ta roun­ded the­se beau­tiful days off.

Pho­to­gal­lery: Spits­ber­gen

Click on thumb­nail to open an enlar­ged ver­si­on of the spe­ci­fic pho­to.

To page/gallery:  → Nor­way – From Alta to Ham­mer­fest  → The crossing: Barents Sea and Bear Island  → Spits­ber­gen



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last modification: 2022-05-17 · copyright: Rolf Stange