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pfeil Calendar 2025: Spitsbergen & Greenland pfeil

Arctic 2019 - triplogs and photo galleries

Spitsbergen and east Greenland under sail

This year we star­ted the arc­tic sai­ling sea­son a bit ear­lier than usu­al – the first voya­ge was as ear­ly as begin­ning of June. Here were have got the tri­plogs and ple­nty of pho­tos! And soon we will con­ti­nue, the long sum­mer jour­ney with SV Anti­gua is about to start in a few days, fol­lo­wed by the adven­tur­ous “Advan­ced Spits­ber­gen” on board SY Arc­ti­ca II, then under sail to east Green­land with SY Anne-Mar­ga­re­tha and final­ly back to Spits­ber­gen again with SV Anti­gua to catch the stun­ning autumn light with sun­sets and poten­ti­al for nor­t­hern lights. Every trip will have ama­zing landings, love­ly walks, stun­ning sce­n­ery and of cour­se encoun­ters with arc­tic wild­life. Join us by fol­lo­wing on the­se pages as well as my arc­tic blog!

Arc­tic under sail 2019

Arctic under Sail 2019 - triplogs, photos



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last modification: 2019-11-06 · copyright: Rolf Stange