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360° Panoramas

Skro­va 1: the island

Skro­va is a small island in the nor­t­hern Ves­t­fjord, not far from Svol­vær and Troll­fjord. A num­ber of islets and sker­ries gives the har­bour good shel­ter. The har­bour has for a long time been an important place for fishing and wha­ling and it still is. The vil­la­ge has deve­lo­ped around the har­bour, in 2013 it had about 190 inha­bi­tants.

Skro­va 2: the tun­nel 1

Typi­cal­ly for Nor­way, the coun­try of tun­nels and bridges, a tun­nel has been dri­ven through a litt­le hill to con­nect two parts of the sett­le­ment with each other.

Skro­va 3: the tun­nel 2

Typi­cal­ly for the more recent deve­lo­p­ment, the tun­nel is not main­ly used any­mo­re to reach the faci­li­ties on this side of the har­bour, but main­ly as a gal­lery with his­to­ri­cal pho­tos that show what life was like here in the past. Nowa­days, artists and pho­to­graph­ers are more and more repla­cing fishers and wha­lers in places like Skro­va.

Skro­va 4: the beach

Tou­rists are, next to art and cul­tu­re, main­ly attrac­ted by the beau­tiful natu­re and land­scape. Easy walks lead to small bays with white sand bea­ches and blue water.

Skro­va 5: Skro­vaf­jel­let

A more deman­ding hike is the tour up the 281 m high Skro­vaf­jel­let. A rope has been instal­led to help during the more deman­ding pas­sa­ges on the steep, rocky slo­pe, but real clim­bing is not invol­ved. On top, the­re are an anten­na and the view over the who­le nor­t­hern part of Ves­t­fjord.

Skro­va 6: top of Skro­vaf­jel­let

The top of Skro­vaf­jel­let. Some­bo­dy has instal­led a pray­er flag as com­mon in the Hima­la­yans. To the west, you see Aus­t­vå­gøy with the town of Svol­vær. The Nor­we­gi­an main land is in the east, and in the north, the­re are some smal­ler islands (Stor­mol­la, Litl­mol­la) and then Raft­sund with the famous Troll­fjord.



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last modification: 2017-05-09 · copyright: Rolf Stange