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Lovénøyane: Innerholmen

Panorama of a little island in the Kongsfjord bird sanctuary

Innerholmen, map

Lové­nøya­ne are a group of small islands in Kongsfjord.
Inner­hol­men is one of them.

Lové­nøya­ne are a group of small islands in Kongsfjord, named after Sven Lovén, a Swe­dish zoo­lo­gist (1809-1895). They have pro­tec­tion sta­tus as a bird sanc­tua­ry; this is explai­ned in more detail for exam­p­le on the page about the neigh­bou­ring island of Mid­thol­men. Other islands in Lové­nøya­ne include Jut­tahol­men and Sig­rid­hol­men. See the­re for more infor­ma­ti­on about the­se love­ly litt­le islands. Going into more detail here would be a bit repe­ti­ti­ve, but it should be said that while all of the­se islands are gene­ral­ly simi­lar, they are at the same time all a bit dif­fe­rent if you have a clo­ser look. Some are flat­ter and have bea­ches, while others more uneven and have litt­le cliffs around most of their coast­li­ne.

Pan­ora­ma: Inner­hol­men

This first pan­ora­ma was taken on the 15 met­re high morai­ne hill near the north end of the island.

Among­st the­se small islands, Inner­hol­men is one of the smal­lest ones, with a length of a good 500 met­res and a width that mea­su­res just a few met­res in some places. The island con­sists lar­ge­ly of a geo­lo­gi­cal­ly young morai­ne, crea­ted by the gla­ciers in inner Kongsfjord in recent cen­tu­ries.

The waters around Inner­hol­men are part­ly very shal­low and neigh­bou­ring parts of the coast­li­ne are accor­din­gly inac­ces­si­ble even for small boats. At low tide, you can actual­ly walk to Sig­rid­hol­men, alt­hough it is cer­tain­ly a good idea to use rub­ber boots for this litt­le adven­ture.

Pan­ora­ma: Inner­hol­men-Sig­rid­hol­men

This second pan­ora­ma was taken at low water half­way bet­ween the islands Inner­hol­men and Sig­rid­hol­men.

Lové­nøya­ne: Inner­hol­men – pho­to gal­lery

And final­ly some pho­tos of Inner­hol­men.

Click on thumb­nail to open an enlar­ged ver­si­on of the spe­ci­fic pho­to.



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last modification: 2023-10-04 · copyright: Rolf Stange