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Home* Tri­plogs with pho­to gal­le­riesArc­tic sea­son 2024 → North Nor­way with SV Anti­gua, 4.-11.11.

North Norway with SV Antigua, 4.-11. November 2024

Whales and northern lights

SV Antigua, Lyngenfjord, Norway 2024

SV Anti­gua under sail in Lyn­gen­fjord.

Wha­les and nor­t­hern lights – that was the idea behind this trip, one week in north Nor­way under sail with SV Anti­gua, focus­sing on the Kvæn­an­gen area nor­the­ast of Trom­sø on the edge of the polar night. And inde­ed, wha­les and nor­t­hern lights we got. And the worst wea­ther you can only ima­gi­ne … hence it was gre­at to see that even under such con­di­ti­ons we mana­ged to secu­re many gre­at expe­ri­en­ces and memo­ries, from encoun­ters with many orcas plus some hump­back and even fin wha­les, some litt­le walks and hikes and final­ly the nor­t­hern lights – we were lucky on the next to last evening when the cloud cover final­ly show­ed mer­cy and some gaps ope­ned so Lady Auro­ra could shi­ne and dance! But have a look at the pho­to coll­ec­tion below to see all the beau­ty we could enjoy during this week.

The most important thing is to keep the spi­rits up even when it is rai­ning cats and dogs and winds are how­ling out­side. And so we did, it was an enjoya­ble week from the first day to the last. Despi­te the wea­ther we got pret­ty much ever­y­thing one could hope for on a trip like this, taking area and time of year into account, and we had a gre­at time tog­e­ther, didn’t we?! Thank you, ever­y­bo­dy!

Tri­plog: North Nor­way with SV Anti­gua, 4th-11th Novem­ber 2024

The­re are two ver­si­ons, with iden­ti­cal con­tents but dif­fe­rent in file size and hence gra­phic qua­li­ty. Ger­man text.

Legu­an Rei­sen was the tour ope­ra­tor of this voya­ge.

Pho­to coll­ec­tion: North Nor­way with SV Anti­gua, 4th-11th Novem­ber 2024

Click on thumb­nail to open an enlar­ged ver­si­on of the spe­ci­fic pho­to.


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last modification: 2024-11-20 · copyright: Rolf Stange