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Home* Pho­tos, Pan­ora­mas, Vide­os and Web­camsSpits­ber­gen Pan­ora­mas → Ahl­strand­hal­vøya, Van Keu­len­fjord

Ahlstrandhalvøya (Kapp Toscana, Fleur-de-Lyshamna)

Panorama images and some natural history information

The pen­in­su­la Ahl­strand­hal­vøya is, strict­ly spea­king, a who­le series of small pen­in­su­las with adja­cent islets on the sou­thern side of Van Keu­len­fjord.

Spitsbergen’s beau­tiful west coast sce­n­ery finds a cul­mi­na­ti­on on and around Ahl­strand­hal­vøya due to the many coas­tal fea­tures and the pan­ora­ma of the sur­roun­ding moun­ta­ins, which cle­ar­ly dis­play the struc­tu­re of Spitsbergen’s geo­lo­gy from the stron­gly fold­ed and uplifted west coast to the tec­to­ni­cal­ly rather undis­tur­bed Cen­tral Ter­tia­ry Basin.

All the land­scape fea­tures on Ahl­strand­hal­vøya have got dif­fe­rent names, so some refer to this place as Kapp Tos­ca­na (this is actual­ly whe­re the hut Bam­se­bu is loca­ted), Richar­dod­den or Fleur-de-Lys­ham­na.

The last pan­ora­ma shows Bam­se­bu, one of Spitsbergen’s nicest huts – who wouldn’t want to spend some time here? – and one of very few huts in the lar­ge pro­tec­ted are­as that are still pri­va­te pro­per­ty. This part of Ahl­strand­hal­vøya is the area that is actual­ly cal­led Kapp Tos­ca­na.



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last modification: 2019-04-24 · copyright: Rolf Stange