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Home* Pho­tos, Pan­ora­mas, Vide­os and Web­camsSpits­ber­gen Pan­ora­mas → Mag­da­le­nefjord – Grav­ne­set Gul­ly­buk­ta

Magdalenefjord: Gravneset, Gullybukta


Mag­da­le­nefjord – Grav­ne­set, Gul­ly­buk­ta as a vir­tu­al Pan­ora­ma tour

Here a 360° tour of Grav­ne­set, Gul­ly­buk­ta:

Magdalenefjord - Gravneset Gullybukta

Mag­da­le­nefjord: Grav­ne­set (1)

Grav­ne­set (“gra­ve pen­in­su­la”) is the only reason­ab­ly flat area in Mag­da­le­nefjord, which is famous for its spec­ta­cu­lar sce­n­ery of poin­ted moun­ta­ins and seve­ral gla­ciers. The­re is a nice sand beach at Grav­ne­set in a most­ly well shel­te­red bay, Tri­ni­ty­ham­na. Are­as with mos­ses indi­ca­te the pre­sence of sea­birds colo­nies in the vici­ni­ty. Litt­le auks are bree­ding in lar­ge num­bers on moun­tain slo­pes near­by, fer­ti­li­zing the land.

Mag­da­le­nefjord: Grav­ne­set (2)

Eng­lish wha­lers knew Tri­ni­ty­ham­na as a reason­ab­ly well shel­te­red natu­ral har­bour and estab­lished a wha­ling sta­ti­on on Grav­ne­set. The­re is a lar­ge ceme­ta­ry on a litt­le hill, and some incon­spi­cuous remains of blub­ber ovens. Against usu­al habit in Spits­ber­gen, the his­to­ri­cal sites are fen­ced off and may not be ente­red, as tou­rists are coming to Grav­ne­set during the sum­mer in lar­ge num­bers with crui­se ships.

Mag­da­le­nefjord: Gul­ly­buk­ta

The litt­le bay of Gul­ly­buk­ta is in direct vici­ni­ty of Grav­ne­set. It has a nice gla­cier (Gul­ly­breen) at its head. The shore­li­nes of Gul­ly­buk­ta shores are quite rocky and not exact­ly easy to walk, but the impres­si­ve sce­n­ery is cer­tain­ly worth the effort.



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last modification: 2017-12-23 · copyright: Rolf Stange