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Ytre Norskøya

360° Panoramas

Ytre Nor­skøya 1

Ytre Nor­skøya („Outer Nor­we­gi­an Island“) is one of the small islands near the nor­thwes­tern cor­ner of Spits­ber­gen. It is most­ly rocky and steep. The­re are remains of a 17th cen­tu­ry wha­ling sta­ti­on near the shore on the sou­thern side. The wha­lers used the moun­tain on the island as a loo­kout point.

Ytre Nor­skøya 2

The ascent is steep and rocky, but the top offers gre­at views over the sur­roun­ding islands, inclu­ding Klov­nin­gen which is almost cut into two. Wil­lem Barent­sz reco­gni­zed it as a pro­mi­nent land­mark alre­a­dy in 1596.

Ytre Nor­skøya 3

The­re is an iron cross on top of the 151 m high moun­tain. The exact histo­ry of this cross is not known. The name of the moun­tain tells whe­re the wha­lers came from who hand their sta­ti­on on Ytre Nor­skøya: Zeeussche Uyt­kik, the Zea­land loo­kout point, obvious­ly a refe­rence to the Dutch pro­vin­ce Zee­land. This has been redu­ced to „Utkik“ (loo­kout) on the modern map. One more reason to men­ti­on the old name here.



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last modification: 2019-04-05 · copyright: Rolf Stange