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Home* Tri­plogs with pho­to gal­le­riesArc­tic 2022 → Spits­ber­gen 30.5.-7.6. with SV Anti­gua

Spitsbergen with SV Antigua, 30 May - 07 June, 2022

SV Antigua 2022, drift ice near Spitsbergen

SV Anti­gua in open drift ice near the north coast of Spits­ber­gen.

“With SV Anti­gua to the ice and the wild­life of the Arc­tic” – that was kind of the head­line of this trip, and this was pret­ty much exact­ly what we got during tho­se eight beau­tiful days. It was a lucky trip inde­ed, with most­ly good wea­ther and gre­at wild­life obser­va­tions, from polar bears and wal­ru­ses to various bird spe­ci­es. On top of this, we made a good num­ber of inte­res­t­ing landings, inclu­ding more rare­ly visi­ted sites such as Fug­le­hu­ken on Prins Karls For­land and Bis­ka­yar­hu­ken east of Raud­fjord.

Tri­plog Spits­ber­gen with SV Anti­gua, 30 May – 07 June, 2022

The­re are two ver­si­ons. The con­tent is the same, the dif­fe­rence is the file size/print qua­li­ty. Ger­man text only.

Impres­si­ons – With SV Anti­gua to the ice and the wild­life of the Arc­tic

Click on the links to open pages with pho­tos of the various legs of this trip:

VR page Bis­ka­yar­hu­ken

Also on this tour, I took the oppor­tu­ni­ty when­ever pos­si­ble to gather mate­ri­al for vir­tu­al tours / pan­ora­ma images to make Spits­ber­gen – ALL of the archi­pe­la­go, as much as pos­si­ble – acces­si­ble for ever­y­bo­dy, also tho­se who can’t tra­vel up the­re in real life. This time, Bis­ka­yar­hu­ken was among­st the places whe­re I had the chan­ce, and the result is alre­a­dy online (click here to access a vir­tu­al tour of Bis­ka­yar­hu­ken). More is coming up, as always. Enjoy!



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last modification: 2022-06-13 · copyright: Rolf Stange