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Ny-Ålesund: old Telegraph station

360° panorama

The old Tele­graph Sta­ti­on in Ny-Åle­sund was built in 1918. It was reno­va­ted in 2012 and today it is part of the muse­um. In 2014 it was ope­ned for the public. It is obvious­ly about the ear­ly days of wire­less com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on, some­thing that brought a gre­at step of moder­ni­sa­ti­on to a remo­te place like this. But it was of cour­se quite expen­si­ve to send a mes­sa­ge this way, so the tele­gra­phist, who was not too keen on too much work, used to tell peo­p­le that it was much che­a­per to send a let­ter from the post office. The post­man again is said to have sent peo­p­le back to the tele­graph sta­ti­on by tel­ling them that their mes­sa­ge would be deli­ver­ed much fas­ter from the­re ☺



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last modification: 2019-01-21 · copyright: Rolf Stange