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Arc­tic 2022

Arctic under sail 2022

In late April we star­ted what appears to beco­me the first “nor­mal” arc­tic sea­son sin­ce 2019. We made the crossing from main­land Nor­way over the Barents Sea to Bear Island and Spits­ber­gen with SV Mean­der, and a series of sai­ling voy­a­ges on board SV Anti­gua, SY Arc­ti­ca II and SV Mean­der is to fol­low until late Sep­tem­ber. Here you will find links to pages with pho­to gal­le­ries and dia­ries from the­se voy­a­ges, they will appear throug­hout the sea­son as soon as I mana­ge to fina­li­ze the logs and pages after the respec­ti­ve trips. This is in addi­ti­on to my arc­tic tra­vel blog, which I will also keep updated through the sea­son as much as I can.

Arc­tic under sail 2022

And lust but defi­ni­te­ly not least: my new book is here! It is a pho­to­book with a lot of infor­ma­ti­on and back­ground. More than 200 pages (A4 size, hard­co­ver) full with beau­tiful pic­tures and rea­ding mate­ri­al 🙂 the only pos­si­ble draw­back for you as a visi­tor to this Eng­lish site: the text is Ger­man … but if you can’t make sen­se out of it – the pic­tures are worth it! Click here for more infor­ma­ti­on about “Nor­we­gens ark­ti­scher Nor­den (3): Jan May­en und die Bären­in­sel”.



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last modification: 2023-05-06 · copyright: Rolf Stange