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Akseløya: Russeltvedtodden

From the Pomors to Hagerup and modern arctic hunting: centuries of hunting history

Akseløya: Russeltvedtodden, map

Rus­selt­ved­tod­den is the sou­thern end of Akseløya.

This is about Rus­selt­ved­tod­den at the sou­thern end of Akseløya, a natu­ral pearl that other­wi­se alre­a­dy has its own page here. As far as cul­tu­ral histo­ry is con­cer­ned, Rus­selt­ved­tod­den is quite a pro­mi­nent place in Spits­ber­gen: this is whe­re Johan Hage­r­up, one of the pio­neers of the trap­per era on Spits­ber­gen, built his main hut in 1898 (reco­g­nisable in the pic­tures as the smal­ler hut with outer walls made of piled stones). Tog­e­ther with four other Nor­we­gi­an hun­ters, he essen­ti­al­ly hun­ted foxes from a net­work of smal­ler neigh­bou­ring huts, one of which still stands west of Mid­ter­huk­ham­na.

Akseløya: Russeltvedtodden, buildings

The buil­dings at Rus­selt­ved­tod­den on Akseløya. From left: the Hage­r­up hut from 1898, a hut from 1963, the modern hut from 1990.

In addi­ti­on to redu­cing the regio­nal ani­mal popu­la­ti­on, Hage­r­up also devo­ted hims­elf to sci­ence: on seve­ral occa­si­ons he recor­ded con­ti­nuous meteo­ro­lo­gi­cal data series, and in 1902-03 he hos­ted a sci­en­tist from the ‘Nor­we­gi­an Nor­t­hern Lights Expe­di­ti­on’, which other­wi­se main­tai­ned sta­ti­ons on Ice­land, in nor­t­hern Nor­way and on Nova­ya Zem­lya. Near the huts on Akseløya, small cubo­id con­cre­te foun­da­ti­ons, now over­grown with lichen, still point to the loca­ti­ons of the instru­ments used to obser­ve the nor­t­hern lights.

At the sou­thern end of Akseløya is Johan Hagerup’s old stone house, which is still in fair­ly good con­di­ti­on thanks to res­to­ra­ti­on work. Remains of foun­da­ti­ons from the even more anci­ent times of the Pomors are also still visi­ble. The­se are the oldest traces of sett­le­ment and uti­li­sa­ti­on on Akseløya.

On the same site the­re is a log cabin built in 1963 and a fair­ly lar­ge and modern house (pro­min­ent­ly visi­ble in the pan­ora­ma) that is still in use. This house was built in 1990 by Lou­is Niel­sen, also known local­ly as Hia­wa­tha. Niel­sen sold it to Tom­my San­dal in 2011, who still mana­ges the hun­ting area in Bell­sund today (as of 2024). Howe­ver, as ice con­di­ti­ons have made the con­nec­tion from Akseløya to Lon­gye­ar­by­en unre­lia­ble in win­ter for years, Tom­my has sin­ce moved his main base to Kapp Schol­lin in Fri­dt­jov­ham­na.

Akseløya: Rus­selt­ved­tod­den – Pho­to gal­lery

Final­ly, a coll­ec­tion of pho­tos with various impres­si­ons of the cab­ins at Rus­selt­ved­tod­den on Akseløya, start­ing with a few ‘old tre­asu­res’ from 2001.

Click on thumb­nail to open an enlar­ged ver­si­on of the spe­ci­fic pho­to.



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last modification: 2024-12-21 · copyright: Rolf Stange