Under sail to Spitsbergen’s ice and wildlife, that was the idea for this voyage in the very early arctic summer, in early June 2019, with SV Antigua. And it was pretty much what happened: there was ice, there was wildlife. There was snow, there were snow shoes. There was some snow-free tundra. There was a lot of arctic nature outside and good spirits inside.
In other words: it was really a good trip, very enjoyable and rich in memories. Even though the sun was a rare phenomenon through several days, but we also got our share of fine weather in the beginning and in the end. All polar bears seem currently to have gathered in Isfjord, and we saw several ones there, although a bit distant. And the whole rest of it: polar fox, reindeer, a good number of bird species … Ingolf identified birds that many others amongst us did not even see 🙂
The following pages have photo galleries of the individual legs of our journey and a few words about what kind of experience that part generally gave to us. Enjoy following our wake!
Some of the placenames and species names are linked up to other pages on this website that have background information or 360 degree photos of those sites.
Photo album – Spitsbergen with SV Antigua, 01-09 June 2019
This and other publishing products of the Spitsbergen publishing house in the Spitsbergen-Shop.
Norwegens arktischer Norden (1): Spitzbergen
Photobook: Norway's arctic islands. The text in this book is German. [shop url="https://shop.spitzbergen.de/en/polar-books/70-norwegens-arktischer-norden-1-aerial-arctic-9783937903262.html"] ← Back
Lofoten, Jan Mayen and Spitsbergen from the air - Photobook: Norway's arctic islands. The text in this book is German, but there is very little text, so I am sure that you will enjoy it regardless which languages you read (or not).
The companion book for the Svalbardhytter poster. The poster visualises the diversity of Spitsbergen‘s huts and their stories in a range of Arctic landscapes. The book tells the stories of the huts in three languages.
Comprehensive guidebook about Spitsbergen. Background (wildlife, plants, geology, history etc.), practical information including travelling seasons, how to travel, description of settlements, routes and regions.
Join an exciting journey with dog, skis and tent through the wintery wastes of East Greenland! We were five guys and a dog when we started in Ittoqqortoormiit, the northernmost one of two settlements on Greenland’s east coast.
12 postcards which come in a beautifully designed tray. Beautiful images from South Georgia across Antarctica from the Antarctic Peninsula to the Ross Sea and up to Macquarie Island and Campbell Island.