The big crossing, part 2: Barents Sea, Bear Island
Lofoten – Bear Island – Spitsbergen with SV Antigua – 22nd Mai – 03rd June, 2016
The weather forecast had developed in our favour: a strong westerly breeze, about Beaufort 5, that is good sailing wind for us. Of course it takes time for everybody to get used to the movement of the ship, and it is not unheard of that a plate or cup occasionally takes a trip through the air, which usually ends with destruction. When it is nothing more than that – that is part of a sailing voyage, we can well live with that.
In such conditions, Bear Island can be a tricky place. It is clear that there is just one place for us that allows a landing, but there is one place, and that is essentially all we need. So we all get a direct impression of this remote island with its stunning coastal scenery, some hints of its history and some of its tundra colours.
The wind stays with us on the way further north. Daily life on board requires a bit of planning and awareness during every step, but you are quickly getting used to it and quite quickly a group of tourists is turned into a crew of sailors – well, almost, but the improvement is obvious.
Less then 24 hours after our departure from Bear Island, we have sighted the southern west coast of Spitsbergen.
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last modification: 2016-06-04 ·
copyright: Rolf Stange