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Pyramiden: residential building

360° panorama

For­mer resi­den­ti­al buil­ding in Pyra­mi­den. This kind of buil­ding was very com­mon in sett­le­ments built during the Sov­jet peri­od in Rus­sia, you can find hou­ses like this in many Rus­si­an cities today. In Pyra­mi­den, the­re were seve­ral resi­den­ti­al buil­dings like this, every one with dozens of appart­ments. Legend has it that one of them was cal­led “Lon­don”: this is whe­re sin­gle men lived. Sin­gle women had their homes in “Paris”. It is easy to ima­gi­ne that the­re must have been pret­ty busy traf­fic bet­ween “Lon­don” and “Paris”.

In case of too busy traf­fic, you moved even­tual­ly to the “Cra­zy house”, whe­re fami­lies with child­ren lived.

A lar­ge buil­ding with accom­mo­da­ti­on for miners. Today, it is only inha­bi­ta­ted by Kit­ty­wa­kes that nest in the win­dow frames.

“Cra­zy house” still lives up to its name, but in a dif­fe­rent way: today, the­re are no child­ren play­ing any­mo­re, but the­re are many kit­ti­wa­kes nes­t­ing in the win­dow frames, so the­re is still a lot of life and noi­se around this buil­ding.



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last modification: 2018-11-12 · copyright: Rolf Stange