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pfeil Calendar 2025: Spitsbergen & Greenland pfeil

Danmark Ø


Dan­mark Ø („Den­mark Island“, green­lan­dic: Ujuaa­ka­jiip Nunaa) lies on the sou­thern side of Mil­ne Land at a fjord crossing. To the east is Hall Bred­ning, the wide-open midd­le part of Score­s­by­sund. To the south is the ope­ning of Gåsefjord and Fønfjord, the win­dy water­way into inner­most Score­s­by­sund, starts direct­ly west of Dan­mark Ø.

Dan­mark Ø is a rough­ly squa­re-shaped island, more than 15 km across and with many rocky hills up to 380 m high. The gla­cial ori­gin of the land­forms is pret­ty obvious, some slo­pes are very steep, but the hills of anci­ent gneiss are most­ly roun­ded and spread erra­tic bould­ers make the ori­gin of the­se land­forms very clear.

The­re is a small, shal­low but well-shel­te­red bay at the sou­thern tip of the island cal­led Hek­la Havn. It pro­vi­des good ancho­ra­ge for small boats and yachts. It was here that the ship Hek­la of Carl Ryder’s Øst­grøn­lands­ke Expe­di­ti­on win­tered in 1891-92, and on this occa­si­on, both the island and the bay got their names.

During good wea­ther, which is not uncom­mon in inner Score­s­by­sund, the views from the hills of Dan­mark Ø to the land­scape in near and far distance are real­ly gre­at. The dif­fe­rence bet­ween the gneiss land­scapes to the north and the basalt coun­try to the south are obvious even for the untrai­ned obser­ver. The basalt shows clear stra­ti­fi­ca­ti­on, which the older gneiss does not have (not becau­se it is older, but becau­se it is a com­ple­te­ly dif­fe­rent kind of rock). The tran­si­ti­on is nice­ly visi­ble at Gåse­land (the pen­in­su­la bet­ween Fønfjord and Gåsefjord), as you look sou­thwest from Dan­mark Ø, whe­re the older and accor­din­gly deeper sea­ted gneiss is cover­ed by basalt lay­ers. Fur­ther south, the gneiss dis­ap­pears below sea level. On Dan­mark Ø, you can admi­re the gneiss, the anci­ent geo­lo­gi­cal base­ment of this regi­on, from clo­se distance with all its beau­tiful litt­le fea­tures, from foli­a­ti­on to small dark intru­si­ons and amphi­boli­te len­ses (old, defor­med basal­tic intru­si­ons).

During a visit in Sep­tem­ber 2013, when I made the­se pan­ora­mas, the wea­ther was less favoura­ble, and the views and pho­tos taken on that day don’t do the usu­al sple­ndor of the sce­n­ery jus­ti­ce. Well, next time! But for the time being, the­re are some insi­de pan­ora­mas of the spa­cious hut at Hek­la Havn, which is still often used by local hun­ters and expe­di­tio­nists from else­whe­re.


Vagn Bjer­re Chris­ten­sen
20/7-24/8 Geo­dä­tisk Insti­tut 1954
13/7-23/7 Wat­kins Moun­ta­ins Expe­di­ti­on 1969
22/7-24/7 Tra­vel Life 2004
Byg­get Sta­tio­nen Hekla­havn 01.08-25.08.1967
Niels Johan­nes Jacob­sen / Tøm­rer · Bjør­ge Niel­sen / -II-
Leif Søren­sen / Meka­ni­ker · Svend Erik Worm / Lærer
Assis­ter­et af:
Jonas Brøn­lund / Ex. Mand · Boas Arke / -II- · Vil­ly Kris­ten­sen / Båds­mand
Erich Flint­stei­ner (?) / Ing.

In die­sem Raum haben sich neben zahl­rei­chen Ein­hei­mi­schen u.a. der alte Grön­land­fah­rer Peter Fabel mit Beglei­tern (2006) sowie ein Team des NDR-TV/­Nord­see-Report mit Peter von Sas­sen und wei­te­ren (August 2006) ver­ewigt.



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last modification: 2014-01-04 · copyright: Rolf Stange